Discover Bloom Culture

Welcome to Bloom Culture—where personalized floral and garden solutions flourish. With over 15 years of expertise in fine gardening, landscape design, and floral craftsmanship, we’re here to bring nature’s beauty into every corner of your space, indoors and out.

Formerly known as Bedworx, we’ve grown into a vibrant garden design and flora studio in NW Calgary, powered by a passionate team of skilled horticulturists and designers. From thoughtfully curated garden beds and seasonal outdoor containers to peaceful indoor retreats, captivating event backdrops, and bespoke floral arrangements, we’re here to turn your vision into reality.

Our mission is simple: to enrich your space and daily life with nature’s finest elements. We offer personalized consultations, working alongside you to design outdoor spaces that thrive year-round and select plants and florals that reflect your unique style and needs.

Let’s create something beautiful together—one bloom, one container, one extraordinary garden at a time. At Bloom Culture, nature-inspired beauty is always within reach, ready to transform your surroundings in meaningful, lasting ways.